New Commercial Management: Svecom P.E. Srl Terminates Collaboration with Avogadro Energy Srl

Dear Customers and Collaborators,

as a result of important business decisions in the commercial area of the heat exchanging plant sector, our Company has come to the decision not to renew as of this August the cooperation relationship with the company Avogadro Energy Srl and for this also with Mr. Armando Bonomelli.

We feel it is our duty to extend our thanks to Mr. Armando and his Co-workers for the invaluable contribution in terms of experience and professional skills dedicated over the years to our company and the products it currently supplies to the market.

Svecom-P.E. Srl will continue on the path taken and indeed invest more in pre-sales and after-sales service, ensuring the quality of products and services by all its employees as well.

For operational purposes, the commercial and technical manager of orders, both for quotations and production, will be the already known to you Dr. Federico Baroni, and the contacts with our Company will always be the usual ones:

Phone:                          +39.0444.746211

Electronic Mail:  


We remain available for any needs and necessary clarification.